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Welcome to ChristoDruidry

For people exploring the teachings of Christ and the nature-based philosophies of Druidry, blending these, and seeking unity that the diversity of Christ and Druidry yearns for with universalism, respecting and having love for others and their faiths, for those seeking to explore how we are all universally connected to each other.


ChristoDrudry has no theology and dogma, it allows for you, if you choose to do so, step into Christopaganism, its fluid enough for those exploring  or practicing the pagan Druidry side of things or other pagan activities and doesn’t push anyone to give up the Christian concepts they like, about God the bible and aspects of spirituality within it.



One of the aspects about Christ and Druidry, is universalism, there is wisdom to be found in all faiths and beliefs.  ChristoDruidry  is therefore fluid enough to give a gate way into every other faith and religion to explore and learn from also.



If you are seeking something that puts humankind back in touch with the rhythm and preservation of creation, something that unites people,  a path rooted in understanding that universalism doesn’t have to mean syncretism, founded in Love and trying to become a better version of ourselves, for humanity and the world around us, these are all concepts at the heart of this path.



God taught through a rainbow, how beautiful the human race can be, it is its difference and yet also it’s unification, that makes it so dam glorious.



As the Catholic priest and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said,




“The God of the Bible is not different from the God of Nature“


  • Image by Rod Long
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